Graduate Certificate in Information Technology (Gradcertit)

Award Graduate Certificate in Information Technology
Typical Duration 26 weeks
CRICOS Code GCIT (110145A)
Unit of Study 3
Structure 3 Core units


APIC’s GradCertIT has been designed so that it provides a solid base in key foundational areas of IT, and provides the opportunity for students to continue their studies within the APIC MIT so they can specialise and develop deeper knowledge within specific areas of IT. The APIC Graduate Certificate in Information Technology (GradCertIT) permits entry from a broader range of applicants than the MIT and can potentially accept those that do not necessarily hold a fully recognised bachelor degree. This provides additional pathways to the MIT. The combined GradCertIT/MIT nested set permits those without a previous bachelor degree in IT to be retrained and directed towards a career in IT. This nested set can assist in elevating the shortage being experienced by organisations in recruiting qualified professionals in specific areas of IT. Additionally, such a GradCertIT/MIT nested set allows those with existing expertise in a non-IT field to augment their expertise with modern IT skills and knowledge. This provides new opportunities where a career can be built by combining both fields, either in an entrepreneurial fashion or in specific IT focused roles within organisations aligned with the graduates’ previous training and experience.

Course Learning Outcomes

GradCertIT CLOs:

  • CLO1: Critically appraise key principles and approaches in information technology including relevant underpinning theory.
  • CLO2: Be prepared for further studies in information technology at masters’ level.
  • CLO3: Exercise critical thinking and problem-solving to solve complex problems using independent learning strategies.
  • CLO4: Effectively communicate technical concepts, solution, and approaches in areas of information technology to both specialist and non-specialists using a range of modalities.
  • CLO5: Create solutions to information technology problems employing industry standard technologies and approaches within specific knowledge areas.


ICT5150 Information Systems;
plus, two units from:

ICT5151 Data and Information Management
ICT5152 Software and Systems Design
PRJ5003 Project Constraint Management
ICT5250 Computer Networks and Security

The GradCertIT acts as both an entry pathway as well as a possible exit point for those that are unable to complete the MIT.

Postgraduate Admission Requirements

APIC Admission policy

Academic Entry Requirements

English language entry requirements

All applicants from a non-English speaking background applying to any postgraduate course at APIC must satisfy the following additional English language requirements:

IELTS Academic: Overall band score 6.5 or higher with no band below 6.0 in writing and speaking; OR
IBT (Internet-based TOEFL): Overall score 79 with a writing section minimum of 21 and speaking 18 OR
Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE): Overall score 180, writing and speaking 180 OR
Cambridge Certificate of Advanced English (CAE): Overall 176 with a writing and speaking section minimum of 169 OR
PTE Academic Module with a minimum score of 58 with a writing and speaking section minimum of 50.

Applicants who do not meet APIC’s English proficiency requirements can be made a conditional offer with a requirement to complete an approved intensive English language course and meet the required standard before they commence their APIC award course.