Application review process

  • APIC SRGs are awarded for a maximum period of two years with grant rounds open each year.
  • Staff can hold no more than one APIC SRG concurrently, either as individual or as joint applicants. This means that staff holding an APIC SRG are not eligible to apply for an additional grant until the first grant has been completed successfully.
  • Applications must be submitted on the application form and should be no longer than 2500 words in total excluding, budget, references and appendices.
  • The application must have been:
    1. reviewed and signed by the applicant’s line manager;
    2. submitted to [email protected] by 31 October.

    Application Review Process

    1. The process of application review is overseen by the SRG Sub-committee of the APIC Research and Scholarship Committee.
    2. The SRG Sub-committee is chaired by a member of the APIC Research and Scholarship Committee. Members of the SRG sub-committee may be co-opted from outside the membership of the APIC Research and Scholarship Committee. The SRG Sub-committee comprises at least three members with demonstrated research experience.
    3. Applications are reviewed by at least two independent reviewers at the request of the Chair of the SRG Sub-committee. Reviewers are not members of the Small Research Grants Sub-committee and people who are applicants for funding in a grant round do not act as reviewers.
    4. Each reviewer evaluates the grant application on three criteria:
      • Research Question: Whether the research question is relevant. Whether there is sufficient rationale to support the proposed research question(s) to be addressed.
      • Specific Aims and Study Design: How well the specific aims and proposed methodology will address the research question(s) to be explored.
      • Impact: To what extent the study will make important contributions toward the goals of advancing the research
      • Budget Justification: A budget detailing the how funds will be expended and how the expenditure is necessary to carry out the project.
    5. The SRG sub-committee considers reviewers reports on each grant application and makes recommendations about the award of grants.
    6. The principal investigator will be notified about the outcome of the submission by 20 December.