Dr Thair Al-Dala'in

PhD, MCompSci, BCompSci, CertIV Training and Assessment

Biographical details
Dr Al-Dala’in is an expert in Data Mining, Database, software development and has been teaching at Western Sydney University, Charles Sturt University, University of Technology Sydney and the University of New England before joing APIC in 2021.
He completed his PhD in Information Technologies at The University of Newcastle in 2011.

Teaching Interests
System Analysis and Design (MIT & BIT), Object Modelling (MIT), Prof Programming Practice/ Software Testing (MIT & BIT), Data Mining and Visualisation (MIT), Data Analytics for Business (BIT), Programming Principles/Python (MIT & BIT), Database Management Systems (MIT & BIT), Research Preparation in Post Graduate Studies (MIT), Web Technology (MIT & BIT), Teaching Fundamentals of Software Development (Java) (MIT & BIT), Software Engineering (MIT & BIT).

Please click on the following Google Scholar Link for a full list.