Emeritus Professor Jo-Anne Reid
  • Independent Member

Emeritus Professor Jo-Anne Reid

Professor Reid is Emeritus Professor of Education at Charles Sturt University. Prior to her retirement in 2018, she served as the Presiding Officer of the CSU Academic Senate, Associate Dean Teacher Education, and Head of the School of Teacher Education. She completed her professional qualifications at the University of Queensland and her PhD at Deakin University. After teaching with the Education Department of WA she worked casually at the University of Western Australia, Murdoch, Deakin, and Monash Universities while completing her doctorate, and then at the Universities of Ballarat and New England as a full time academic prior to joining Charles Sturt in 2002.

Professor Reid remains active as a researcher and publisher, and over her career has won a range of ARC and other National Competitive Grants focussed on literacy and English teaching, teacher education, Indigenous and overseas-born teachers, as well as rural teacher education. She has been co-editor of the Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education and has recently been appointed to the editorial board of this journal. She is a past president of the NSW Council of Deans of Education, the Australian Teacher Education Association, and the Australian Association for Research in Education.

Professor Reid has a keen interest in university governance and has led external review processes at the Course, School, Faculty, and Academic Board level across a range of Australian institutions.